Visiting Rotation Program

Visiting Residents

Stanford Endocrinology may host visiting residents from other ACGME-accredited residency programs for 2-4 week rotations in diabetes and general endocrinology, subject to availability and space. 

Required documents:

  • Personal statement describing interest in endocrinology and in the endocrinology program at Stanford (less than 500 words)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • At least 1 – 2 reference letters from your residency program, including one from your residency program director indicating you are in good standing and are meeting all required competencies
  • Proposed dates of rotation
Please complete and submit required documents through this request form at least 90 days prior to your proposed rotation start date. We will not host visiting residents during the month of July.
Contact Jessica Chen at to inquire about availability. Visiting Resident rotations are coordinated through Stanford GME office, and we require all necessary documentation as outlined on the Stanford GME website

Visiting Medical Students

Medical students in LCME or AOA accredited medical schools may rotate at Stanford Medicine, including in Endocrinology (MED 306A), depending on availability. All visiting medical student rotations are coordinated through the School of Medicine. Please visit for more information on the application process. Contact Elsie Tai at to inquire about availability prior to submitting your application.

Visiting Observer Program

Stanford Endocrinology visiting observer program offers the opportunity for physicians, residents, and medical students from all over the world to come to Stanford and observe clinical services performed by our faculty. Please visit our faculty webpage and their area of specialization to determine which faculty you want to observe. You must reach out to the faculty for their availability to host.


Our visiting observer program only allows for a period of no more than 30 consecutive calendar days, total, per 12-month period. Observation does not take place on the weekends or holidays but these days ARE counted in the 30 day total.


Stanford Endocrinology does not provide nor sponsor a visa for visiting observers. You come on either a visitor or business visa. 


Stanford Endocrinology does not provide housing for visiting observers.

In order to request the opportunity to observe, the prospective observer must submit the Visiting Observer Request and Inquiry Form.

Contact Us

Dimpi Desai, MD  
Residency and Student Rotation Director

Jessica Chen 
Visiting Resident Coordinator

Elsie Tai
Visiting Clerkship and Observership Coordinator