Training Locations

Endocrinology fellows, internal medicine residents and medical students are trained at these locations:

Stanford Health Care  |  Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System  |  Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Stanford Health Care

Stanford Health Care serves the local community but also receives referrals nationally and internationally. The patients are often complex with multiple co-morbidities leading to diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Endocrinology fellows rotate here 9 months of the year in both the inpatient and outpatient setting: 2-3 months on the General Endocrine Consult Service, 2-3 months on the Diabetes Service, and 5 months on outpatient rotation. Fellows attend specialty clinics in post-transplant diabetes, cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, pituitary, thyroid cancer/endocrine neoplasia, thyroid eye disease, pediatric endocrinology, endocrine genetics, and metabolic bone disease, among others.

Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System

3801 Miranda Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304

Palo Alto Veteran’s Health Care System

The Palo Alto Veteran’s Health Care System is a tertiary referral center and one of the largest VA hospitals in the country. The patients are predominantly male and a large volume of patients have diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and thyroid disease. The endocrinology fellow covers the inpatient consults while covering Stanford Hospital’s General Endocrine Consults. The fellow also does general endocrinology clinic during the outpatient months.

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

751 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) is the primary county hospital for Santa Clara County. The healthcare system provides high quality care for all patients in Santa Clara County regardless of socio-economic status.  Endocrinology fellows spend 3 months rotating at SCVMC, where their clinical experiences include a combination of general endocrine clinics and inpatient consults as well as a dedicated thyroid FNA clinic.

Contact Us

Julie Chen, MD
Program Director

Julia Chang, MD
Associate Program Director

Jessica Chen 
Fellowship Program Coordinator

Stanford Medical Center

300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5103

Monday 1:00 pm & Friday 8:30 am Pituitary Clinic

Tuesday 8:00 am Clinical Conference

Tuesday 8:30 am General Endocrine Clinic, Bone Clinic, Neuroendocrine Clinic, Diabetes and Metabolism Clinic

Thursday 8:30 am Transplant Diabetes Clinic

Map & Directions